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How much do high school football coaches in United States 2024 make
14 July, 2024 / 0 Comment

How much do High School Football Coaches In United States 2024 Make

How much do high school football coaches in United States 2024 make, High school football coaches in the United States typically earn an average annual salary of around $46,627, or approximately $22.42 per hour.

High School Football Coaching Salaries

However, salaries can vary significantly based on factors such as:

Years of experience - Top earners (90th percentile) make around $64,000 per year, while those in the 25th percentile earn $40,000. - Location - High school football coaches in Illinois earn on average $48,032 per year, slightly above the national average. - School size and division - Coaches at larger, more competitive high school programs tend to earn higher salaries.

According to Glassdoor data, the average salary for a high school football coach in the U.S. is $101,533 per year. Other sources report average salaries ranging from $73,283 to $139,524.

The high variability in reported salaries suggests that compensation for high school football coaches can be quite diverse, depending on the specific school, program, and local market factors. However, the typical range appears to be between $40,000 to $64,000 annually for most high school football coaching positions.

how many hours are you allowed to practice for high school football in md According to the Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSAA) regulations:

On days when school is in session, practice for any sport shall not exceed two hours of physical activity. - In the event additional practice sessions are scheduled for the same day, MPSSAA Guidelines for Heat Acclimatization shall be followed. However, multiple practice sessions may not be conducted on days that students attend school.

A minimum of ten calendar days must precede the first scrimmage. - In fall sports where two practices per day are conducted, especially football, a scrimmage may not be held until the 14th day of practice.

So in summary, for high school football in Maryland:

You are limited to 2 hours of physical activity per practice session on school days - You cannot hold multiple practice sessions on school days, but can follow heat acclimatization guidelines for additional sessions. You must wait at least 10 days before holding the first scrimmage, and 14 days if conducting two-a-day practices

The regulations aim to ensure adequate rest and recovery while still allowing for sufficient practice time to prepare for the season.


Jeff Francis

Jeff Francis is the founder and editor-in-chief of HsFootballHost. An award-winning journalist with a passion for high school sports, Jeff Francis provides us with extensive information about high school sports. high school football Stay up to date with the latest news, rankings, schedules, scores, game highlights, and in-depth analysis.


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